October is often referred to as Pumpkin month and it is all the rage this time of year. Either you're a fan or not. At Wiggle Wag Originals, we are a fan, not just in October but all year long. Let me explain.
Have you ever truly looked at all of the health benefits that pumpkin can provide for your dog? That's right, pumpkin is loaded with nutrients and vitamins. It contains vitamins A, C, and E which assist in the immune system, brain function, and skin health. Minerals found in pumpkin are potassium, copper, manganese, and iron. All of these play a vital role in the cellular functions of your dog. In addition, it is loaded with fiber and provides antioxidants.
Vitamin A promotes good eye health. It can add moisture that helps prevent flakey skin and contributes to a shinney coat. Carotenoids are the antioxidants found in pumpkin that help lower the risk of cancer and degenerative disease. Studies have shown that pumpkin is also good for heart health. The fiber found in pumpkin is a great digestive aid to help regulate your dog's system. It can assist with both constipation and diarrhea. Regular consumption can create good bowel movements, which helps your dog to express their anal glands naturally. No butt scootin' across the floor!
Who knew pumpkin was so good for your dog? Keep in mind that is for pure pumpkin. DO NOT feed your dog pumpkin pie or pumpkin pie filling. Those contain nutmeg and/or cloves, both are toxic to dogs! So go ahead, make your dog their very own Pumpkin Latte'.